I can't believe I have spent a month with you. And that tomorrow is my final day with you. I will miss you more than you know. You have once again changed my life. God has used you to break me, fill me, and renew and focus my faith. You are unlike any other place I have ever been in the world. I find Jesus here everywhere in every face broken or beautiful. I came here empty, wounded, weak and full of fear and through the love of God you have filled me with joy, healed my heart, given me strength and freed me from my fears. 

I know that the next few weeks without you will be a difficult transition. You have connected me to some of the most amazing people I have ever met in my life. I have experienced unity beyond anything I ever could have imagined and I didn't know it was possible to feel so much love and fellowship with people in such a short amount of you. Africa, you bring people together in ways we never thought possible. You bind us together in the name of the Lord. 

Africa, today was perfect. The sun rose and warmed our skin as we drove down your crazy streets to the Hope House. The children their sang beautiful praise and worship to the Lord in our presence this morning. What a blessing that almost brought me to tears. Tomorrow morning we will go back and say our goodbyes. I am not looking forward to the heart ache as we drive away leaving all of the children who taught me so much about myself and the way that we are called to live as followers of Christ. 

Africa you wear me out. I took a power nap today before lunch and it felt wonderful to wake up refreshed. For lunch my sisters and Drew made home made pizza for the Mamas and Papas of the mobile Medical clinic. Africa, the people here are beautiful on the inside and out. Their hearts radiate your love. I will miss them all so much. Africa, I love that when I am here I have hundreds of Papas and Mamas and brothers and sisters because we find unity in you and that makes us family. :) Constant unity and fellowship is a beautiful thing and is how Christ intended for us to live with one another. Its an addicting environment to be in when you find yourself worshipping and talking about Christ all throughout your day. Which lifts your spirit and fills you with a fire for the Lord. 

Africa, tonight we had to bring one of our sisters Vicki to the airport. Saying goodbye to my kindred spirit was the hardest part of the trip and it gave us the realization that we do indeed leave tomorrow. :( I am so thankful for Vicki and all that she has taught me about living for the Lord. After the airport we went to a sandwich shop. Nicer than I would have imagined. It felt very much like home as we devoured hot chicken and steak sandwiches with crispy fries. Mama and Papa Tim treated us and we love them so. Then we made our final night complete by quickly polishing off some Magnum bars. :) And drove home as a family just immersed in each others company. And now it is time for bed. 

Africa you are life changing. God you have used Africa to bring me closer to you. I am so thankful for all the blessings you continually pour out into my life. I will miss you, goodnight Africa. I trust that someday I will return if its in God's will.

Love Always, 
      Natasha (Mufasa)

I hope you all have a wonderful night. Thank you for following my blog throughout this trip. I will continue posting for a few days if you are interested in my transition and thoughts back into the states. Thank you for your prayers I couldn't have done this without your support. God Bless!


8/11/2010 05:07:29 pm

I am glad I do not yet have to miss you. Thank you.


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