For some reason it's 11:30 at night and I feel like all almost 3 weeks of little sleep just now hit me like a bus! As the group watched a movie I sorta fell asleep and trying to wake back up is not so enjoyable at the moment. But I still want to share with you about the day and the thoughts that are streaming through my heart and mind.

Morning was wonderful. I woke up around 7am and went out on the porch to journal and spend time getting focused on God's words for the day. It left me feeling so uplifted as I turned the entire day over to the Lord. What better feeling is there in the world than just being immersed in Gods word's as you head out for the day. I think I may try to have my quiet times in the morning more so than night so that I can be more wide awake and ready to walk each moment with the Lord. He desires nothing more than a daily relationship with you and I. Giving all that we have been given over to Him to be used to bring Him glory :). He deserves all of us, not a foot in and a foot out.. something I have been learning and trying to work on. God is more than enough for me. He deserves my total devotion, humility and love. It is by His grace alone that I am saved and still breathing. The whole process of being alive has always blown me away. So many things have to work together in our bodies beyond our control and knowledge for us to live and breath. It truly is incredible how intricate everything is and how it works together and each breath is definitely God given with purpose! As we are called to pick up our crosses daily and follow Him.

 I am just so in love with Jesus right now. He loves me, all my faults, flaws, and weirdness, and He carries me through each day filling me with his Joy and strength and I want nothing more than to just be with Him. To just basque in His presence. He has filled me with a sense of serenity as I am about to make the biggest transition of my life. And I have to much to learn about who He is and I just want to find myself daily living with an aweness and fear for the one who not only knew me before He formed me in my mothers womb but also the one who is right here right now, alive, unchanging and has given me eternal life. The fear of the Lord is such a great thing that I have often overlooked! Our God is so mighty and powerful and reverend and holy! I want to never forget that. And I want to fall more in love with Him every day that He gives me life. And He offers the same to you. How great of God do we worship! Let us not forget how AWESOME he really is! 

This morning we went to the Hope House and spent more time with the kids! I am continually blessed to just spend time with them even if it means just holding them or laughing with them. I wish so much that the Hope House was like five minutes from where I lived and I could just immerse myself in the ministry that God has put in place there. I adore kids, they inspire and encourage me in all their innocence and energy. All throughout high school working with the middle schoolers was one of the greatest blessings of my life! I will miss all of my middle school sisters and brothers so much when I leave this fall. But I am also looking forward to seeing what kind of ministry God calls me to and if I will have the opportunity to work with youth and children while I am at Simpson. I know He will open and close doors in His perfect timing. God has really been speaking to my heart about being anxious and making plans. I feel that He has been asking me to relax and to give all my burdens over to Him. He will take care of each thought, desire, and worry when needs be. For you and for me. He is Love. 

All I am is yours Lord! You are more than enough for me! Please continue to reveal your heart to me as I cast all my cares and worries to you. You know my needs before I do and you will lead me in your perfect peace and will if I surrender my life to your hands. Humbly I come to you and ask you to fill me with your holy spirit and to break me down so that I am fully dependent on you for each step I take and each word that flows from my mouth. May my life be pleasing to you alone.

This afternoon we were able to go to the tourist market which was a blast! And then we came back home for a delicious dinner made by the Mong team. It was a traditional Vietnamese meal I believe of a sorta soup thing called Pho and they hand made spring rolls which were delicious! It was a very good meal! Each team member is wonderful as we continue to get to know them better, there are eight of them. After dinner we settled into the living room seats for a good old fashioned game of Mafia as a fam. I had the great opportunity to be the narrator and made sure to make my story random and intense as possible. Picture.. Amish village in Maine, called Yams, Papa Tim wearing an Apron, Monkey Shooting Girls, Horse shooting boys, many ridiculous murders like a lamb chop, peanut, pitchfork, etc., choc. chip pancakes, pool party, trip to Africa, Mariah being swallowed whole by a snake :) .. I would like to give credit and inspiration to my dear friends back on Whidbey you taught me all I know. They liked it and I wished you were all there with me because who could even imagine where in the world Julia, Shannon, or Kayla could have taken us. Lol. It was great bonding time and then Forest, an MK here took us to a whole nother world during round two as we went to a galaxy far far away with Jedis and Commanders! Lol. 

So now I am tired and exhausted and not sure how much sense this blog made. But I love you all and miss you all and couldn't be more thankful for all you have done for me. This experience is truly a gift from God and an important chapter in this life I have been given. I am praying for all of you. And as it gets closer to time being over here I am feeling very bittersweet, but I know all I can do is take each moment and give them to God to make the most of the time left here. Have a wonderful night! God Bless!

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