I think I was exhausted from the moment I woke up this morning. It seems like I wake up several times every night to random things. So I was up by 6am this morning and spent time journaling and reading Isaiah and Psalms. It was a nice way to start the morning and made even better when I had coco puffs cereal and mixed in peanut butter! So incredibly good.. :)

Then we set out for our day. We first headed to Okolassi to see the finished roof and say goodbye to the kids. Saying goodbye is always the hardest part. We prayed with all of them in a circle under the completed roof. It is really quite incredible how God has been working in Okolassi. Please pray that God will use the church to reach out and change lives in the village. This Sunday they will be worshipping in the church for the first time! What a testimony of God's hands here in Gabon! After we said goodbye and gave hugs we headed to the Hope House. Always a joy for me. These kids are incredible every time we spend more time there my love for each child grows and makes me want to take them home even more! They are so adorable and full of life even though they are in an abandoned children's home. I am inspired by the joy and contentness that I see in the lives of these children. I think I can learn so much from just spending time with them. Bumba is so funny he's about 5 years old he has a twin Msunda but Bumba loves to do my hair he took the rubber band off my wrist and then pointed for me to go sit. So I did and he tried his best to put my hair up. His brother is funny too he always randomly chants my name and then when I say his back he hides from me. They are all so cute! So it was great but when we left I was exhausted!

For lunch we had sandwiches and then headed out to the beach. I ended up just sleeping on my towel for the couple hours we were there and just thought about all the things in life that streamed through my brain. It was really enjoyable. The ride home was funny, Nate was super hyper and I was tired so all I could do was laugh at the situation. When we got back dinner smelled so good!

The Mong team cooked again this time making egg rolls and stir fry... SOOO AMAZING! Words cannot describe how good the egg rolls tasted I think I was finished eating before everyone was through the line. :) Haha... then my deliriousness set in and I was laughing at everything that wasn't funny. Like me launching a napkin at Cait with my fork and putting cake on my nose. And making weird noises. I am so glad that this family still loves me even when I am nuts. :) They are truly accepting and its just awesome. I helped with dishes and then we sat down for story time. I may have mentioned a few of our siblings going to Cameroon for an adventure. Well our two sisters Vicky and Brittney got home at 4am last night from a very long public transportation ride. Boy did they have an adventure of a lifetime. God truly spoke to them and broke their hearts as they were stretched way out of their comfort zone. It was inspiring to listen to all God showed them and all the crazy Africa moments they experienced. Like coming upon a car accident with injured people scattered on the ground (with little supplies they relied on prayer to help the people), then there was sleeping at a random ladies house, eating sardines, going to the market, and many other crazy things. Most of all they said God plucked them from everything comfortable and they were left with only God as a familiar thing. Really allowing them to rely on Him for all the strength they needed. But thank goodness God brought them back to us safely. :) 

Tomorrow night we be an adventure for all of us. We are traveling to a village 3 hours away to work on a church foundation and then sharing the Jesus video tomorrow night. After that we will be sleeping outside under mosquito nets. Should be a stretching experience. Because thus far I have not used a bathroom outside of the STMO. Pray that God would prepare our hearts and those we come into contact with, that they may experience the love of Christ. Also, I am praying that God would use this experience to stretch me and reveal His heart to me and everyone here. I am nervous but excited... not exactly sure what to expect... So there will be no blog tomorrow night since we will be in a village under African skies. Which is incredible to think about. I will be sure to tell you all about it when we return. We are coming home Saturday afternoon. Thanks for reading and for all your prayers. God Bless! 

Love and miss you all! Our God is amazing!


Marilyn Simmons
8/5/2010 08:08:53 am

Natasha, I look forward to your blog each day. I am encouraged, challenged, and humored by your words. Thanks so much for putting to words your feelings and your thoughts. They have ministered to me. Enjoy your overnight experience! I'll be praying for you.

8/5/2010 12:38:45 pm

Many awesome messages. Thank you.


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